Thursday, October 11, 2007

Ask and Ye Shall Receive

Following the lead of Alaska Commuter:

"For the first three people that reply to me and re-post this challenge, I will send you something.

It might be something I’ve made, or something cool from my hidden stash, it might be a mix CD, or a rubber duck, a book I think you will enjoy, or something else that is awesome.

Whatever it is, I promise that I will get it to you in 365 days or less.

The only thing you need to do in order to participate is to be one of the first three to reply to this, AND post this very same thing on YOUR blog - cause it’s fun to give people stuff."


Melissa said...

Coolio!! This is even better than shopping online!!

Jessica said...

Second Place!

too bad I have no blog to post to...would facebook count?

FlyRN said...

Facebook may us something!! (But be advised-a blog would render MUCH better results).