Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Soy Products-"Making our Kids Gay"

That's right-according to conservative publication WorldNet Daily, Jim Rutz claims that soy products are slowly poisoning our children and threatening to tear apart our culture. He explains, "Soy is feminizing, and commonly leads to a decrease in the size of the penis, sexual confusion and homosexuality.....That's why most of the medical (not socio-spiritual) blame for today's rise in homosexuality must fall upon the rise in soy formula and other soy products".
He does go on to state that soy sauce is perfectly acceptable. "Unlike soy milk, it's perfectly safe because it's fermented, which changes its molecular structure. Miso, natto and tempeh are also OK, but avoid tofu."
In an effort to combat any any deviant soy or tofu effects, the Christian Coalition is encouraging parents to enrich their childrens' diets with whole milk, red meat, and other wholesome heterosexual-safe foods.
Stay tuned next week for Mr. Rutz's compelling research into the link between hummus and child pornography-"The Hidden Life of the Chickpea Freaks".