Friday, March 31, 2006

Voted Lately?

"And let me say in conclusion, thanks for the kids. I learned an awful lot about bathtub toys-- about how to work the telephone. One guy knows- several of them know their own phone numbers- preparation to go to the dentist. A lot of things I'd forgotten. So it's been a good day." - January 21, at aHead Start center in Catonsville, Maryland

"Please don't look at the part of the glass that is only half full." --11/6/91

"I think I've got to do better in making clear what the message is, and I think I can do better. But I think there's so much noise out there that I've got to figure out how to make it clearer that we are for the things that I have advocated that would help."-2/18/91

"I know what I believe. I will continue to articulate what I believe and what I believe - I believe what I believe is right." -George W. Bush, in Rome, July 22, 2001

"Do you have blacks, too?" -George W. Bush, to Brazilian President Fernando Cardoso, Nov. 8, 2001, as reported in an April 28, 2002, Estado Sao Pauloan column by Fernando Pedreira, a close friend of President Cardoso

"It is white." -George W. Bush, asked by a child in Britain what the White House was like, July 19, 2001

"Sometimes when I sleep at night I think of (Dr. Seuss's) 'Hop on Pop.'" -George W. Bush, in a speech about childhood education, Washington, D.C., April 2, 2002

Thursday, March 30, 2006

A Moment of Silence, Please

It was a disappointing week for the Lady Vols.....they took a devastating fall to the Lady Tarheels on Tuesday night. I'm sure Coach Summitt took it in stride, Yoga anyone?
In the mean time, I'm hoping Pat will consider a run as Hillary's V.P. candidate in 2008 (you should be scared, Cheney!)

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Daily Paws

Got to go to Roanoke College campus today and play ball with my good buddy Bandit (he always lets me win!) Lot's of pee-mail to check over there...need to get back more often if Mom will let me.
Speaking of good ball times.....Go LADY VOLS!!! Pat Summitt needs a gal like me on her team-WOOF!!

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Gamers Only

Remember playing the game Operation as a child? How are those aging hands....still steady as a rock? Check out this puzzle to see!

Friday, March 24, 2006

Condi Seeks Running Mate

There has been much chatter about Rice entering the 2008 Presidential campaign. In an effort to repair the damage caused by her affiliation with the W. Administration, Condi has been spotted making several key alliances around the nation. When asked if he would consider being a 2008 running mate, Elmo declined any comment, but did comment that George W. "does not play nice with others". (In an episode of The Simpsons a parody of post-9/11 America, Elmo appeared in a political prison after supporting opponents of George W. Bush, he said, "Elmo go to wrong fundraiser.")

Thursday, March 23, 2006


Keeping in step with one of my favs, Ellen, I will periodically post Shout-Outs, or "Hollas" to those special people who just simply deserve it.
I am proud to give my first Holla to a best friend of many years-Jessica. From endless road trips, to roadside sleeping, to many "exposing" Harrisonburg adventures (Paul-here's your towel AND your spine!) I could ramble on about Jess, but in the essence of time (and privacy), please check out this wonderful article on her and Jazz......

Daily Paws

Mom's trying REALLY hard to get her new blog up and barking. In fact, she won't even play ball with me because she is stuck in front of the computer! In the mean time, I will try to post updates so her page isn't empty-Good Grief!

Ms. Ellie