Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Ready, Set, Don't Go!

Here is a picture of the awesome window seat that I should have occupied on my way to Puerto Plata last Thursday. However, thanks to Delta,
I spent a non-expense paid night in Greensboro and missed an entire day with my buddies (that's valuable Wizard time, folks!)
In spite of the rough start-great times eventually followed...stay tuned for more vacation updates.


Jessica said...

We had absolutely no fun without you! We sat in our rooms pouting. So glad you made it for the other 3/4 of the trip.

Melissa said...

Love the Delta link! Is the picture funny yet? You should include the picture with your letter... :)

Viva Banana Juice!

FlyRN said... is NOT funny yet, you two!
I'll save my laughs for the response to my Delta letter.

Ditto-Viva Banana Juice!

GH Kahn said...

Now is the picture funny?

FlyRN said...

Not yet-it will be after I get a reply from Delta! :)

Jessica said...

NOW it can be funny!

FlyRN said...

OK-maybe we are slight chuckle level...