Sunday, August 17, 2008

Operation Singapore

To our dear, imprisoned feline sister, Miss Ella-
We narrowly escaped the enemy forces in our covert efforts...please know that the top Canine Search and Rescue team continues to push forward (Code name Team Freedom). Once we have received nourishment and water (and ice cream), we will push forward. Fletcher (team rookie), also requires medical attention due to an unfortunate encounter while trying to enter the country. Forgive his youth and inexperience, his heart is in the right place.
Your canine counterparts will persevere-stay strong, Miss Ella! WOOF!!

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Friday, June 27, 2008

Memo from

Memo to Senator McCain: Wife Beating Jokes Are Not Funny (Even If They Are Famous)

by Erin Kotecki Vest

Apparently there is some old joke about being asked a loaded question:

Are you still beating your wife?

Of course I had never heard this used before, not in the context of lawyers or trials or even reporting.

Fine. Fair enough. I sure don’t know every pop-culture catch phrase out there (yes, I’m snickering).

So today when I came across remarks made by Senator John McCain to the Las Vegas Sun, I about fell out of my chair.

(On why he didn’t choose Gov. Jim Gibbons to chair his Nevada campaign?)

I appreciate his support. As you know, the lieutenant governor is our chairman.

(Why snub the governor?)

I didn’t mean to snub him,. I’ve known the lieutenant governor for 15 years and we’ve been good friends….I didn’t intend to snub him. There are other states where the governor is not the chairman.

(Maybe it’s the governor’s approval rating and you are running from him like you are from the president?)

(Chuckling) And I stopped beating my wife just a couple of weeks ago….

Yes, Senator McCain laughed and made a joke about loaded questions and beating his wife, apparently riffing off some well turned phrase.

At best, this is just a poor, poor, poor, cliche’ to pick when you are courting Clinton voters. At worst, he’s perpetuating his image as “old school” and “sexism is funny.”

I informally polled some friends and family of various ages and only one had heard this phrase used before- my neighbor who is in his 70’s. I’m guessing the younger demo, widely voting for Senator Obama, looked at that Las Vegas Sun quote and did the same thing I did…”HE SAID WHAT???!!! AND HE THINKS THAT’S FUNNY???!!!”

I’m doing my best to keep a level head in this election (and now everyone else snickers) so I immediately e-mailed Liz Mair of the RNC. If and when she responds, I will post an update here.

In the meantime, what the hell is McCain thinking making a joke half of us don’t know is a joke???

Wonkette writes, “What does that Joke even mean? That John McCain trying to keep his distance from President Bush/Jim Gibbons is about as likely as him beating up his wife recently? Well for shame. We want a president who continues beating up his trollop wife IN THE WHITE HOUSE.”

Erica Saves the Day writes, “As my mom says, sarcasm always has an element of truth…”

I give McCain credit for making an attempt at humor, I really do. But could he have picked a WORSE joke? And yes, the candidates misspeak. We’ve been over this. McCain didn’t misspeak here though, he intentionally invoked a tasteless joke about beating wives.

I’ve heard a ton of well-known jokes that invoke racism too, should I bust one of those out next time I run for office?

Friday, May 30, 2008

234 More Days

Pups at the Beach

Ellie, Fletcher, and their buddy Chance kicked it up and had a big time at the Outer Banks a couple of weeks ago...we are all ready to go back!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Wii Fit Rocks!!

Finally, Wii Fit has arrived, and let me assure you that it is every bit as fun as promised! Cardio, strength training, balance, and Yoga-it's all there. Of course, it quickly told me that my "Wii Fit age" is 53 years.....looks like I have a lot of training to do-UGGH!! Much more fun than a trip to the gym, though! :)

Friday, April 25, 2008

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Welcome the New Family Member

Miss Ellie has a new brother in the house! Fletcher, a 6 month old chocolate lab, was rescued from the shelter last week and made it to his new home on Sunday night. Ellie is busy learning the ropes of being a good big far, so good. Never a dull moment with a new youngster around!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Clinton Visit

Well, unfortunately Hillary couldn't make it last Sunday, but the former President paid us a visit the next night! What an incredible was truly an awesome experience. He was also extremely generous in the time he spent with the local folks to talk, sign autographs, and take pictures. Overall, a great evening!

Saturday, February 09, 2008

Hillary's Coming to Town!

That's right-HRC is coming for a Town Hall Meeting here in Roanoke tomorrow! We are busy collecting volunteers for the big event. It should be huge fun-cannot wait to report back how it goes. Go Hillary!!!